Game Day

Game Day

Sometimes, what’s going on in the background is just as important to “the story” as what’s going on in front. Big trans-clear panels bordered by “wall” make a window large enough not to block the creatures peering in, and I used a cooler, less intense light back there to really differentiate the space. [inside/outside] In front is the living room section popped out of Lego set 10291 along with some other random bits. The lava lamp was lit in the post.

“There’s this old castle, north of here…”

"There's this old castle, north of here..."

I knew I wanted to tease the eye towards the dude munching a turkey leg in the background, which is why I kept him closer to being in focus. [I sometimes like something to catch the viewer’s eye without being a huge distraction. It happens in the real world all the time.] When it came time for composition, I had several options; I don’t often use leading lines intentionally, but in this case, it worked for me.